Ovako AB

Our employee journey

At Ovako, we believe that work is more than just a job – it's an opportunity to be part of something meaningful. We foster an open and friendly atmosphere where everyone is valued, providing opportunities for personal and professional development. Many of us find fulfillment in knowing that our work contributes to making the world a better place.

As a Nordic-based global leader in sustainable steel, Ovako is not just a workplace, it's a community shaping a better future. While some may call us humble, the truth is, we recognize that real change starts with us. Join us on this transformative journey, where the beauty of nature is just around the corner. Be a catalyst for positive change at Ovako.

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Optional location in the vicinity of Hofors, Hällefors, Örebro, Hallstahammar, Smedjebacken, Boxholm or Imatra.
Country Sweden
Reference number 2019/13
Published 05.Feb.2019
Last application date 25.Feb.2019 11:59 PM CET

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